Thursday, December 3, 2009

Is it bad to use vaseline as a makeup remover?

Cause i think vaseline is better then makeup remover since it really works. But i was just wondering if its bad for your eyes or eyesight, espeically is you have contacts?

Thanks =]Is it bad to use vaseline as a makeup remover?
Vaseline is a good makeup/mascara remover. It really wont clog your pores~ I looked it up online to find out if it would because I use it all the time.

I would take contacts out before I rubbed vaseline on my lashes~ the oil could blur your vision with contacts in.Is it bad to use vaseline as a makeup remover?
Don't use Vaseline as a makeup remover... because its not one..

Vaseline isn't bad for your eyes as long as you don't put it straight in there... Its actually pretty good for your eyelashes as it strengthens them and makes them all glossy... it can also have an affect on making them grow longer .
nott at all

but i suggest and recommend olay makeup remover wipes

you could get em at target, walmart, etc.
if you put it on your eyelashes its really good for them it helps them grow and not fall out.
Nah, not at all, I've used it before too.
i' always use it.
no it will clogg your pores

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