Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is makeup bad For Your Skin?

Please I really need help on this because people are telling me that makeup is bad for your skin.I really dont know,so thats why iam asking.:) thanks or your help.Is makeup bad For Your Skin?
My mom said it makes your face age. IM only 13. my mom said i could start wearing makeup now 'cause she thilnks im old enough to handle it. If yiu think your old enough then go ahead. If your 11 or under, please dont wear make-up. Wear it on speacial occasions like weedings, funerals, school picture day, a party, or a date.

What type of make-up should you use:

That depends on your age and skin type. Some times mineral make-up is better than the artificial kinds. Mineral make-up is best for crows feet. ( you get crows feet if you squint alot )

Where and how to apply make-up:

Blush: Good to use if you have red over your cheeks like sun burn. Take a make-up brush, close your eyes, and start brushing it over.

Eye liner: I'll use that for funerals. Take the liner pencil and line it under your eye.

Eye shadow: It's cute if it matches you shirt. Just take the mini brush and do that like painting.

Lip gloss/lipstick: That I probaly would'nt use that. My Mum said that lipstick makes your lips darker. Lip gloss, like that same as eyeshadow.

How to take it off:

If you don't own or can't get a cleanser, use aloe lotion. I do that all the time. First wash your face, then pat dry it. apply the aloe lotion. I would wash it off if your going somewhere, or else you'll have little white glomps of lotion peeling down your face. Also, leave the lotion on when you go to bed. Wash it in the morning and pat dry it, then, ( If you want to) wear make-up and do the same thing over again.

Hope this helps!

btw pick me! I gave you more info than the person above me...Is makeup bad For Your Skin?
Not if you buy the noncomedogenic makeup which is makeup that does not clog your pores.

But as for as other makeup, such as mascara, eyeliner, etc. that does not go on your face, it is not bad for you.
if you invest in good quality makeup then no its not bad for you. to much makeup can damage your skin. well not damage but you may break out or it could get dry and irratated.

hope i helped! :D

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