Wednesday, December 2, 2009

GUYS PLEASE: What colors do you like to see a girl wearing. Also, is a lot of makeup bad?

WHat do you consider trashy versus pretty? What do you like to see girls wearing?GUYS PLEASE: What colors do you like to see a girl wearing. Also, is a lot of makeup bad?
The look that works for most girls is a wool turtleneck sweater and a wool skirt. Earth-tone colors. You don't want ';flash'; in your clothes. You want to BE the flash for which your clothes act as sort of a picture frame.

Make up is a scam. It doesn't, it never has, given anything to a woman that wasn't hers already. The so-called appeal of ';artful'; make up is the result of men's being conditioned by industry propaganda, in much the same way that you were conditioned into wanting to use the stuff.

Look at make up some time. It's paste. It's scummy powder. When it smells it stinks, or, at least, it's way too strong a scent.

If you want to stand out and be different, then try covering up a little more. These days it seems every little tart wants to be ';daring.'; Do the opposite. Dress like a church-girl, or like a school teacher, and beat the competition for the guys anyway.GUYS PLEASE: What colors do you like to see a girl wearing. Also, is a lot of makeup bad?
It depends on what guy it is. Some guys are into girls who wear black, others like girls who wear pink. Every guy has different taste in girls. Oh and it is very bad to wear too much makeup, but a little is good.
I can't say much about the colors as long as they cordinate, personally i like them to be bright... And girls can definitly wear to much makeup... little to none can be perfectly fine for me...
i like seeing different kinds of blues. i also like seeing some blacks and whites just because they're very simple but really pretty, you know?

i personally don't like a lot of makeup because i like simple, natural girls.
I'm am a person who dresses punk so, I like to see a girl in jeans and in skate shoes or sneakers. Turn offs are Ug boots (sweet jesus!) As for makeup, I don't mind, but not too much, no one likes a barbie doll.
I love girls in heels. LOVE HEELS!

A lot of makeup doesn't really bother me. If you put ones that start to look like plaster then you need some serious help, otherwise if it's going to make you feel pretty and good about yourself then go for it. Make-up shouldn't influence a guy's decision about you.

Trashy -

Too short skirts

Muffin Tops

Anything really tight and not form fitting

Tube Tops
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