Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Is it bad to be getting makeup in my eye on a daily basis?

ok so whenever i go to take my makeup off at night, theres always eyeliner in my eye, either right around the whites of my eyes, or sometimes even on them. every night i always have to get the eyeliner out with my hand(i wash my hands first though). is this bad? thanks.Is it bad to be getting makeup in my eye on a daily basis?
You would know if it was causing problems, your eyes would be red and puffy, probably. If you're getting it out with clean fingers, you're probably ok. You just don't have sensitive eyes, you're lucky! Only thing I'd worry about is if you use any 'old' make up and leave it in there, other than that, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Also, if you're having trouble getting the makeup out of your eye, you could use some eye drops, the plain kind for contact lenses don't have anything else in them, they're just a rinse. Hope that helped!Is it bad to be getting makeup in my eye on a daily basis?
It's actually VERY bad for your eyes. I used to do the same thing, and my doctor told me that many woman actually have eye sight damage due to not removing make-up properly. There was even a story on The Veiw, a lady got a brain anourism and died, and the doctors cut her lower lid open, and black guck oozed out. They discoverd it was actually years on mascara build-up from her not removing her make-up, or not removing it properly.

Just wash it with soap and water ever night, and if you get eyeliner or mascara in you're eye, get it out with you're finger or toilet paper.
well it can't be good. you could get an eye infection because makeup has allot of bacteria in it (especially if you have been using it for awhile).

You should get new makeup every three months to help prevent infection. I hope that this helped, lol.
Yes it is bad, you could get a sty on your eyelid, an infection or you could just experience general discomfort.

I have the same problem but i find the best thing to do is to go the odd day without makeup just to let my skin and my eyes recover
Eye irritation can damage your eyes in the long run.
iget liquid eyeliner in my eye all the burns a little at first but im overall ok
yes it is it could become infected.

it happens to me all the time.

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