I'm looking for some general discussion about makeup.
What are some of your personal connotations with makeup? When did you start wearing it? Why did you start wearing it? Why do you wear it now?What does makeup mean to you? Is makeup good? Bad? Do you enjoy wearing it? Do you feel forced to wear it?
make up is something that enhances your beauty, but when applied too much or wronly, would make you look like otherwise. It's good, especially light make ups. personally, i have just started wearing them..but not everyday..saving those times for special occasions would really help because you would always want to look different and not just with your everyday look. so if you plan on wearing make up everyday, then you would need to put a lot more effort when putting them during special occasions when you'll need them the most.
also, i wear make up because sometimes i feel my face is too dull or too pale to look at. but, i only apply light foundation (or even just powder), blush on, then i curl my lashes, apply mascara and sometimes eyeliner. then a next-to-nude shade of lip gloss. it's pretty amazing how less can be more..=)What does makeup mean to you? Is makeup good? Bad? Do you enjoy wearing it? Do you feel forced to wear it?
makeup is okay for me. i like it but, i don't like over wear it like some people who have so much make up on their face, they look so fake.
i like to wear makeup it makes me feel pretty but when i dont wear it im still happy!!!
Really, it's your own choice or how you personally feel. Guys like a girl because she's a girl and if you find the right guy, he won't care if you're wearing make-up or not. Personally, I think I like to wear it depending on the place I am going.
Most of the time, I just leave it off because I want people to see who I am underneath the powder and the mascara. But others like wearing it because it shows more of their own personalities.
Age? I think when you feel like it is needed you should go for it. I started at 12 and that was plenty early.
I wear it now because it makes me feel like I am defined and pretty, though most of the time I feel just as pretty with out it.
I think makeup is great and I started wearing it at 11, I don't know why I did, and right now I wear it to feel like an individual, my makeup is the only thing people at my school can't do the same as me. (I HATE unoriginality)
Don't laugh, but I was taught how to apply make-up when I was in finishing school (about age 15). My father said I looked like a clown, and, in retrospect, I have to agree.
I'm now in my 50s, and have just recently started to wear make-up regularly (but by no means every day). I wear it for its original purpose: to ';make up'; for attributes I lack, such as elasticity, fineness of surface, and other signs of youth.
Even though I have skill and restraint with it, I still prefer going without; it feels better, and cleaner, particularly in the humid summers we get here.
I get a chuckle out of young women who lay make-up on with a heavy hand; they don't realize how naturally beautiful they are, or that they are covering up the one thing make-up CAN'T give them: the glow of youth.
I have mixed feelings about it. I wear it, but only to make myself feel better. I have a lot of bad acne scars and my tone is very uneven, so I wear makeup to even things out. I try not to wear too much, though. I'm hoping that my face will clear up and my scars will fade so I don't have to wear it anymore.
I started wearing it when I got my first job at sixteen. I'd been homeschooled almost my whole life, so I didn't get out much and I had no reason to care about my skin. When I got my first job I was working with the public and I wanted to look good.
I don't think makeup is bad. It can look quite natural as long as you don't wear too much. Everything in moderation.
I must say, I'm jealous of all those women who go around without it and don't care. I wish I could be that confident.
Overall, I do enjoy wearing it because it does give me more self-confidence. But I'm looking forward to the day when I can stop wearing it.
hmm...make up has its good and bad side too...if you are going to a party, make up is good but if it is for a casual occasion, you need to put only light make up(only lipsticks or powder) And it also depends on people, i like make up, depending on the occasions!
i started wearing makeup around 12, 13. probaly the reason i started wearing it was because my friends did. when i wear makeup i feel like it was made to be on me. i feel pretty when i wear it. and im just so used to wearing it. and i love experimenting with my makeup!
and i guess i can say im a makeup fanatic, i sometimes buy makeup just because it looks cool. i probaly have over 100$ worth of makeup. i kinda scare myself that im like that. lol
Makeup is great it makes me feel pretty and awake.I were it because I like it.I started wearing makeup when I was 12 and the reason I did was because way back then none of my friends wore it and I got dares to do it, I liked it and have worn it ever since.
I love makeup. However, I try to stay with the minimual look, as I have naturaly dark, full lips and brownish pink pigmentation on my eyelids, so I got lucky in that respect. I wear it for a pick-me up or just for the fun of it. I didn't really start wearing it until my junior year in high school. I think makeup is a great tool to enhance the features you have but some people take it too far (like alot of teen girls I see at the mall) and end up looking like a clown! LOL! My grandma gave me the best advice: draw attention to ONE feature that you like and keep the rest subtle.
Make-up is one of those not too expensive (sometimes anyway.) ego booster. You can be in the shittiest mood but the minute you put on a good pair of jeans and some cute make-up you feel like a million bucks.
I personally love make up because of the reason above. It makes me feel pretty and gives me some self confidence. I started wearing make up at the age of 12, and by make up I mean some eyeshadow and lipgloss, just so that I could feel grown up. Now I wear it because it makes me look fresh and nice.
First memories? Sitting in front of a mirror ';trying out'; my mum's stuff and getting bollocked for doing so. I thought I looked alright. At 12, gran buying me ';Miners'; plum lipstick and azure eye shadow (1972) really made me feel I was growing up. It didn't take me long to get wise - I soon realised the only good look was neon pink eye shadow, lips, cheeks and lashes! I had quite a lot of fun painting my face over the next few years in lots of different ways - and dressing up too of course. Who wouldn't?!
Nowadays, I hardly ever wear make up - say 2-3 times a year maximum. I definitely don't feel forced to wear it - and never have. It's always been about making choices.
To me wearing make up is about having fun, dressing up, preening, stepping outside of yourself, putting on a mask: and definitely about trying to mentally alter how you feel by physically changing yourself.
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